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Публикации со Импакт Фактор (прв автор)


Uzunov A., Andonov S., Kiprijanovska H. et al. (2014, Special Issue) Swarming, defensive and hygienic behaviour in honey bee colonies of different genetic origin in a pan-European experiment, 10.3896/IBRA ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Uzunov A., Meixner M. D., Kiprijanovska H., Andonov S., Gregorc A., Ivanova E., Bouga M., Dobi P., Buchler R., Francis R., Kryger P. (2014, Special Issue) Genetic structure of Apis mellifera macedonica population based on microsatellite DNA polymorphism. Journal of Apicultural Research, 10.3896/IBRA, ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Uzunov A.Kiprijanovska H., Andonov S., Naumovski M., Gregorc A. 2009. Morphological diversity and racial determination of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) population in the Republic of Macedonia, Journal of Apicultural Research, published on 01.07.2009,(DOI10.3896/IBRA. Impact factor (2007) 0,746. 

Публикации со Импакт Фактор (коавтор)

Meixner D. M., Uzunov A. (2018) Genotype-environment-interactions and the occurrence of honey bee diseases affect the survival of honey bee colonies – summary from a pan-European experiment (Wechselwirkungen zwischen Genotyp und Umwelt unddas Auftreten von Krankheiten beeinflussen das Überleben von Bienenvölkern – Zusammenfassung eines europaweiten Experiments), Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift, Nov. 2018, DOI: 10.2376/0005-9366-18015, ISI Imapct Factor (2017/2018) 0,699.

Kiprijanovska H., Lazarevska S., Golubovski M., Uzunov A. (2018) First report on the presence of Megaselia rufipes (Meigen, 1804) and Megaselia praeacuta (Schmitz, 1919) in honey bee colonies in the Republic of Macedonia, Journal of Apicultural Research, online 25 Oct 2018, ISI Impact factor (2017) 1,015.

Francis R. M., Uzunov A.Andonov S. et al. (2014, Special Issue - Short note) Effect of genotype & environment on parasite and pathogen levels in one apiary - A case study. Journal of Apicultural Research, 10.3896/IBRA, ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Meixner M., Uzunov A., et al. (2014, Special Issue - Guest Editorial) Honey bee genotype and the environment. Journal of Apicultural Research, 10.3896/IBRA, ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Meixner M., Uzunov A., Andonov S. et al. (2014, Special Issue) Occurrence of parasites and pathogens in honey bee colonies used in a European genotype - environmental - interactions experiment. Journal of Apicultural Research, 10.3896/IBRA, ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Hatjina F., Uzunov A., Andonov S. et al. (2014, Special Issue) Population dynamics of European honey bee genotypes under different environmental conditions. Journal of Apicultural Research, 10.3896/IBRA, ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Francis R. M, Uzunov A., Andonov S. et al. (2014, Special Issue) Comparison of methods to verify the genetic origin of honey bee colonies used in Genotype-Environmental-Interactions experiment. Journal of Apicultural Research, 10.3896/IBRA, ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Buchler R., Uzunov A., Andonov S. et al. (2014, Special Issue) The influence of genetic origin and its interaction with environmental effects on the survival of Apis mellifera L. colonies in Europe. Journal of Apicultural Research, 10.3896/IBRA, ISI Impact factor (2012) 1,926.

Pihler I., Kiprijanovska H., Plavsa N., Krajinovic M., Uzunov A., Kryger P., Nedic N. (2014) Population-genetical characteristics of the bee population of Vojvodina. Genetika 01/2014, 64(1):219-226, ISI Impact Factor (2012) 0.49.

Buchler, R., Andonov, S., Bienefeld, C., Hatjina, F., Kezic, N., Spivak, M., Uzunov, A., Wilde, J. (2013) Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens. In Dieterman, V., Ellis J. D., Neumann, P. (Eds) The COLOSS BEEBOOK, Volume I: standard methods for Apis mellifera research. Journal of Apicultural Research 51(5):, ISI Impact factor (2011) 1.531.  

Costa, C; Uzunov, A; Kiprijanovska, H; et al., A Europe-Wide Experiment for Assessing the Impact of Genotype-Environment Interactions on the Vitality and Performance of Honey Bee Colonies: Experimental Design and Trait Evaluation, Journal of Apicultural Sciences, published on 19.06.2012, (DOI 10.2478/v10289-012-0015-9), ISI Impact factor (2011) 0,674

van der Zee R., Uzunov. A, Kiprijanovska H., Andonov S. et al., Managed honey bee colony losses in Canada, China, Europe, Israel and Turkey, for the winters 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, Journal of Apicultural Research, published on 01.02.2012, (DOI 10.3896/IBRA. ISI Impact factor (2010) 1,028

Bouga M., Uzunov A., Kiprijanovska H. et al., A review ofmethods for discrimination of honey bee populations as applied to European beekeeping, Journal of Apicultural Research, published on 01.01.2011, (DOI 10.3896/IBRA. ISI Impact factor (2009) 0,694

Последни 5 (пет) публикации / презентации

Marina D. Meixner, David Mifsud, Marion Zammit-Mangion, Simone Cutajar, Thomas Galea, Aleksandar Uzunov (2018) A comparative study of colony performance, hygienic behaviour and parasite and disease infection in the endemic honeybee A. m. ruttneri and the introduced A. m. ligustica in Malta, 8th EURBEE Congress of Apidology, 18-20 September 2018, Ghent, Belgium.

Uzunov A., Büchler R. (2018) EU market for reproductive material and current status with Varroa resistant honey bees, EURBEST WS, 10th June 2018, Athens, Greece.

Uzunov A., Büchler R. (2018) Local breeding programs in practice, SMARTBEES WS, 9th June 2018, Athens, Greece.

Uzunov A., Meixner M., Mifsud D., Galea T., Zammit-Mangion M., Cutijar S. (2018) Comparison of colony development, behavior, production and vitality between the endemic subspecies A. m. ruttneri and the introduced A. m. ligustica in Malta. 65 AG Tagung, 20 - 22 March, Koblenz, Germany.

Uzunov A., Büchler R. (2018) Results from brood interruption studies in Kirchhain. COLOSS Varroa WS, 27-28 February 2018, Zadar, Croatia.



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