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ПРИРАЧНИК ЗА ПОЧВЕНИ АНАЛИЗИ.Проф. д-р. Татјана Миткова, асс. м-р Миле Маркоски Издавач: USAID, Foundationopen society Macedonia. Скопје, август 2013 година.

Markoski, M.,
Mitkova, T., Tanasković, V., Vasilevski, K., Nečkovski, S. 2013: The influenceof mechanical composition and organic matter on the retention curves at solimoisture in the humic calcaric regosol. 1stInternational congress for soil-water-plants XIII Congress in soil sciences.p.p.88

Markoski,M., Mitkova,T. 2012: Soil moisture retentionchanges in terms of mineralogical composition of clays phase. Clay Minerals inNature – Their characterization, modification and application. Publisher,InTech. p. p. 101 – 119.

Markoski, M., Mitkova, T., Pelivanoska, V., Jordanovska, B., Prentović, T. 2011. Investigation of the content of heavy metals inagricultural soils in the region of Struga. 1st International scientificconference. Land, usage and protection. Proceedings. NoviSad.p.p. 49 – 54.